Here Comes the Deck, Part 2

Keeping with my tradition of posting way late, here I am updating the blog after a month since my last post. Life is hard. Blogging about life is harder. We have a deck and it's kind of amazing. It's not done, of course, so let me give you a phase two deck project update. Big Ken left. Life got in the way. It rained. A lot. We ran out of screws. Broke the pilot hole bit. Had to order it online. Ran out of screws again. Finally got the top screwed down. Here's the longer version. One of our lovely neighbors loaned us his deck jig, and I immediately loved the idea of not seeing a bunch of screws on the top of our deck. "So, yeah, let's do that," I said. "It will be great," I said. (No one thought it would be easy so no one said that.) Source