Christmas came early! (aka a HUGE update from the Pheasants)

Our wonderful painter finished the entryway/stairs two weeks ago, and I haven't had a chance to blog about it since because I have been staring at the walls. Who am I kidding? It's the crazy holiday season and there has been no time for blogging! We picked the color Oyster Bay by Sherwin Williams for the walls and it is gorgeous! It's green, it's blue, it's gray. Depending on the light and time of day, it could be any one of these colors and they are all beautiful. We even got the thumbs up from Jesus on the color choice, which made us feel even better. Check it out!

In these pictures, the green really shows through.

However, in the pictures below, I see more blue.

See what I mean?

Now that the paint is done, we've even put up a few pieces of art.

So, that's pretty great, right? Well, it gets better! Yesterday, the carpet on our stairs was installed! Hooray! It's beautiful, it's clean, I want to sleep on it.

Here's a picture of the wood underneath the carpet. One day, I would like to refinish the wood but for now it's more practical (and cheaper) to cover it with carpet.

Installation progress:
The finished product!

We splurged for the nicest carpet pad that money can buy (at Home Depot-haha) and it is super squishy. Remember how nasty the old carpet was?

Yuck! I can't believe we lived with it so long!

So, that's pretty great, right? Well, it gets even BETTER! How is that, you ask? New paint and new carpet is pretty much the most awesome thing to happen in 10 months, maybe even 99 years. Well, get ready to be WOWED.

Our contractor came TODAY and installed our custom kitchen cabinet.

Mic drop. I'm out! There's just nothing more to say. I'm one happy girl!

Next projects to tackle in the first half of 2015:

-New counter top and backsplash in kitchen.
-New paint for cabinets and walls in kitchen.
-New floors in kitchen and mudroom (take a peek at that nasty yellow pebble linoleum). I just mopped it last night, so that, folks, is the best it ever looks.
-The office is getting a makeover...more to come later on that topic. It's a surprise!


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