
I have so much to write but not much to write at all. Home repairs and upgrades have really stalled these past few months. Two kids, busy jobs, daycare, travel, and unexpected expenses have all put a damper on our home improvement project timeline and budget.

I do have a few things to update you on in future posts like my closet re-do and raised garden bed awesomeness. For now, I leave you with this picture. A compilation of all the wall paper we've removed over the past (almost) two years that I found in a storage tote last night.
Clockwise from the top left: Entryway/Stairs/2nd Floor, Living Room, Spare Room/Office, Cinderella's Room Border, Bathroom, Cinderella's Room Walls, Kitchen (yellow and white flowers), Bathroom Ceiling. I'm missing the Baby's Room in this picture, but I know I kept some.

Also, we are in the planning stages of a BIG project, like HUGE, and really exciting. More to come after the first of year.


  1. I think I've told you before that scraping wallpaper is one of my worst childhood memories!


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