Goodbye Mellow Yellow, Part 6

We are done (read 98%)! The tile is in and the appliances have been put back in place. We have a rug and something hanging on the wall (gasp!). It's been a looooooooong twisty road, but so worth it. I couldn't be happier with how it has all come together.

So, about that 2%, here's what's left:

  1. Toe-kick under cabinets need to be painted.
  2. Quarter round trim around baseboards.
  3. Chips in paint from moving the fridge and the counter installed.
  4. Electricians back to figure out what's going on with two electric outlets.
  5. New oven and stove.

I'll let you know in two years when we finally have it 100% over the finish line. So, how about some final pics? Yeah!

And, just for kicks and giggles. Here's a reminder of Mellow Yellow:

So, what's next? Well, we'll be paying off the kitchen through next spring, but I hope to have a couple of fun updates for you between now and then. Stay tuned!


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