2017 Year End Review and 2018 Preview

Another year has come and gone and so much and so little has changed. I think we can all agree that the dumpster fire that we anticipated in our federal administration is actually here. Instead of feeling sad and frustrated at all the things that we can't change, I'm choosing to focus on the things that we can...like home renovation (and fueling the resistance in small ways)!

It's been a great year as we've made progress inside and out on our 1915 American Foursquare.

The year started off strong with a renovation in Cinderella's room (I just posted that final project even though it started in February--eek)...
And, the Handyman and I spent a super sexy weekend without kids insulating our attic.

Can you spot the African Tribal wallpaper in the closet? 😆

In the Spring, we started on the kitchen remodel and O-M-G! It's made a huge difference in how we cook and spend time in there. Still So.Very. Small, but light, bright and modern!

And how about 'dem new floors!😍

As most renovations go, the last 1% to finish takes the longest. So back in October and November we finished the toe-kick...

and added Roman Shades which will keep the kitchen cool in the summer.

We celebrated Christmas with new gifts for all. A skill saw for the Handyman and a new fence for me.

There were plenty of things we didn't get to this year...Namely, the deck. Ugh. So disappointing that we have french doors to nowhere after 18 months. Winchester Mystery Mansion?
I got one quote for the deck and it was for $8,000. So, bring on the DIY! I have to say the fence-building process has given us the confidence to tackle this major project in 2018. I can't wait to drink coffee and throw a few good dinner parties outdoors this year.

Speaking of 2018, I think we have some really exciting plans on the horizon! We are tackling our bathrooms. That's right! Bathroom time!!!

First up, the 1/2 bath and laundry room, aka Mudroom, on the first floor. Remember this lovely sherbet color?

 That was painted Homburg Green before we moved in.
The plan is to reconfigure the 1/2 bath and mudroom to add a shower and some storage. We'll borrow a little room from the mudroom by stacking the washer and dryer. Since this room was clearly a porch at one time, we'll remove the siding, insulate and update the wiring. We may even be looking at closing off a few windows. This small space has FOUR windows and three doors.

Here are a few inspo photos I've been pinning.
The bathroom is going to be nice since this is the bathroom our guests use. It's also going to be functional because it will be the girls' bathroom when they start showering every morning. Once the downstairs' bathroom is complete and we have a place to shower, we'll tackle the main bathroom upstairs. Very exciting!

When we moved in February 2014, I said that this house would be amazing in five years. We are about to wrap up year four and it's so fun to look back at all we've accomplished. Thanks for tuning in to follow our progress and we wish you a very happy 2018!


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