
Showing posts from May, 2014

Y'all gon' make me lose my mind up in here, up in here

On a flight in January, Nate and I wrote down a list of things we want/need to do to the house. Are you ready for it? I haven’t looked at it since writing this post and it kind of makes me lose my mind. Thanks DMX for the song and now it’s stuck in my head. Crossed out items = done, done and DONE! J Red items = things we’ve added since January BEFORE MOVE IN Refrigerator Spray for bugs Hire movers Floors refinished CGFI Outlets Swapped in Kitchen Kitchen sink faucet 1/2 bath sink unclogged

And, you're outta here: Part 1

Every time one of my real-life-friends deletes one of her Facebook friends, she posts "And, you're outta here." I've adopted this saying while removing the ugly vintage wallpaper throughout the house. When I say throughout, I mean THROUGHOUT. This stuff is everywhere. Even. On. The. Ceilings. EVERYWHERE! Once we closed on the house (note to self: write up the crazy home loan/closing process in a separate post), we mapped out a few projects that we could accomplish before moving in. Nate and I went back and forth and finally concluded that having one room, completely finished, would keep us motivated and inspired to keep working. We also jokingly refer to it as "our safe place." It's away from all the other improvement projects. So, we tackled the living room in two weekends and a Monday night. With our daughter sleeping in a pack-n-play upstairs/entertained by Yo Gabba Gabba on the iPad/with a babysitter/trying to help us paint, Nate and I st...

Potential Blog Name Fail

As a novice blogger, I have so many questions and most of the answers seem to be “anything goes”. This morning’s question: Can anyone, like ANYONE, find my blog if they Google it? So, I Googled and this is what I found.   The Top Ten Results when you Google “Between Two Pheasants Blog”: 1.        My First Bird Dog 2.        The Difference Between Field Trials and Hunt Tests 3.        Pheasant Hunting << Pheasants Forever blogs 4.        Pheasant Fest 5.        Pheasant Run GC Turf Department Maintenance Blog 6.        Pheasant Hunters Blog 7.        Pheasant Press Blog 8.        USDA Blog 9.        Two-part pheasant BBC Good Food 10.    Map of CA Pheasant Hunts Bonus f...

Details, details, details

I love details and details in an old home mean character. Our house has some serious character. Check it out! Door knocker

Let's Get This Party Started--House Tour!

Here are some pictures from the real estate listing and a few that I took from our first walk through. The house in all of its wall-papered, lace curtained glory! Front

Wait for it...wait for it...

Welcome to our blog! The past few months have been quite the ride as we have been settling into our new old house in Woodland, CA. Built in 1915, we are the third, yes THIRD, owners in nearly 100 years and have a To Do List that could reach the moon and back (a nod to my sci-fi loving husband). The first thing on the list was to start a blog, well, not the FIRST thing, but it was toward the top. Today marks the day that we go live! Don't worry, you haven't missed anything since we moved in. I've been documenting our journey in pictures, Facebook posts, Instagrams, and lengthy emails to friends and family. I plan to put all of it here. This is the place where we will share the minor and major improvements that we make to the house, what we learn, what we dream, and maybe some latest family happenings too.   And, if you're wondering about the name of our blog, check out Funny or Die "Between Two Ferns" and keep an eye out for our house's mascots, Fra...