Potential Blog Name Fail

As a novice blogger, I have so many questions and most of the answers seem to be “anything goes”. This morning’s question: Can anyone, like ANYONE, find my blog if they Google it? So, I Googled and this is what I found. The Top Ten Results when you Google “Between Two Pheasants Blog”:

1.       My First Bird Dog

2.       The Difference Between Field Trials and Hunt Tests

3.       Pheasant Hunting << Pheasants Forever blogs

4.       Pheasant Fest

5.       Pheasant Run GC Turf Department Maintenance Blog

6.       Pheasant Hunters Blog

7.       Pheasant Press Blog

8.       USDA Blog

9.       Two-part pheasant BBC Good Food

10.   Map of CA Pheasant Hunts

Bonus from the second page of results “Pheasant Breast Supreme : Living the Country Life” hahahaha!!!

Clearly, I wasn’t thinking about the pheasant hunters out there Googling for resources, so thank goodness my blog doesn’t show up. And, if you have accidently found my page because you are a pheasant hunter, my apologies.


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