Details, details, details

I love details and details in an old home mean character. Our house has some serious character. Check it out!

Door knocker

 Door with side lights that open
 Of course, Frank and Phyllis
 Wall sconces

 Globe light (that's crooked) and super tall ceilings
 Foyer pendant light
 Sash window locks with 100 year old screws
 Metal door handles
There are plenty of other details that I love about our house but haven't photographed yet like the "Harry Potter Closet" under the stairs and the windows in the Sleeping Porch that open down into the walls of the house. Eventually there will be a post dedicated to our wood floors (admit it, you're super excited to learn about our floors). Our plan is to restore and preserve these details and potentially add more details of our own.


  1. My favorite detail of our old house was the push button light switches. Do you have those? :)


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