Twin Babies

Twin baby Olive Trees, that is! During a beautiful weekend in May, I took Cinderella to the Flower Farm Garden Inn and Nursery for some special mother/daughter time. We planned to have lunch and return home, but these rascals came home with us.

Two fruitless olive trees for the backyard at a great price, $35/each! They've added some much needed symmetry to our backyard.

Nate removed the lone ranger bush in the corner (you can see the remnants on the ground) to make way for the new trees.

Here they are on a beautiful fall day (and our Bird of Paradise bush is blooming!);

They will be so cool when they "grow up"! They will provide a nice frame for the fireplace while the green-silver foliage blocks the view of the driveway--creating a more intimate feel in the backyard.


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