
Showing posts from March, 2016

Most Exciting Update (Part 5)

The alternative title to this post is "Cosmetic Work: Fillers and Plumpers." Remember how I was telling you about all the rain we had at the beginning of March and how there wasn't any work on the exterior paint? Well, things drastically changed over the last two weeks. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and Jesus has been able to do a lot of cosmetic work. He's filling cracks and holes and plumping up depressed areas. We're going to turn our house from an aging Hollywood Queen to a fresh, young star! Check it out! These pictures are from March 24th through March 30th. The yellowish-beige color is the putty that's filling the cracks.

Most Exciting Update (Part 4)

If you live in California or have been following our news, its been raining for nearly two weeks straight. That means there's been no progress on the exterior paint until last week and now it's raining again. Booooooo. Well, we need the rain, so Yeah! But, boooo! I want my house to be painted so badly. Anyways... Jesus spent four days at our house last week, working on the back of the house where the laundry room and 1/2 bath is located. Check out the progress! First two days = scraping, scraping and more scraping...

Most Exciting Update (Part 3)

Question: how do you really freak out your neighbors? Step 1. Paint your house bright blue. Step 2. Change color to gray half way through. Work progresses around the house. Here's the latest Front of the house: