Most Exciting Update (Part 3)

Question: how do you really freak out your neighbors?
Step 1. Paint your house bright blue.
Step 2. Change color to gray half way through.

Work progresses around the house. Here's the latest
Front of the house:

Shutters are down and getting primed.
 Front door trim is primed.
 Priming trim that had lost its paint down to the bare wood.

 Southwest corner.
 Kitchen windows up close
 Even closer up of the window. Check out that 100 year old wood and paint. All the windows are getting reglazed through this process.

Southside/Back of the house. This is the mudroom and half bathroom extension.
 Scraping the fascia. The silver metal is where the wall a/c was removed in Nov. 2014 when we put the mini-splits in. The exterior hole is finally going to get fixed with real wood siding. Yeah!

 Corner of the mudroom had some wood rot on the corner where the downspout goes through the eave. Now it's fixed!
 Shot of the back.
We still have quite a bit of work, but I think it looks great for only three weeks in. Can't wait for more progress next week.


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