Cinderella's Room 2.0

Going back a FEW months, I wanted to update you all on Cinderella's Room. If you don't remember how we started this project, click on link to the 1.0 post.

Do you know how hard it is to keep a six year old's room clean? Especially when there is a two-year-old little sister running around. Tough!  I can't remember when I snapped these pics, but I assure you that this was the last time it was this clean.

The brown prints, "Beauty" and "Grace", are from one of my favorite shops in Kansas City, called Hammerpress. Seriously, check out their online store.
Another item from the nursery is this white rose metal frame. During our move across the country, the mirror within broke and it's been sitting in a closet every since. I decided to add some cork to it so Cinderella can display the copious amounts of art she produces.
 Finally, the bird cage and an heirloom from my childhood, the Troll. Kidding. The Troll is new. How crazy is it that Trolls have made a comeback?
 I'd like to find a small side table with drawers that can be placed next to her bed, but the bookshelf will do for now. The girl has some her dad.
 New chandelier. Appropriately blingy for this girly-girl.
 A view of the room with the window treatments closed. This photo was taken in the middle of the afternoon, so super bright outside. Pretty dark inside, if you ask me.

So, here's the big before and after!

And, one final photo to capture the evolution of her room over the past four years.


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